What You Should Know /
It’s my first time, how bad is it going to hurt?
Waxing is not without its risks, nor without its pain. We are removing hair from the follicle – it hurts. It’s always worse the first time- Your nerves are on edge, and you don’t know what to expect. But it is a quick sting that stops hurting almost immediately after. And it gets easier! The result is totally worth the 20 minutes of minimal discomfort which goes away immediately. If your pain tolerance is very low and you have high anxiety, come in early to purchase some numbing cream and take an ibuprofen as well. It’ll help take the edge off. By the way, it’s not nearly as bad as you think it’ll be!! The more you do it, the more consistent you are, the easier it becomes. So keep at it!
How long will it last?
Hair grows in 3 stages and it can take up to 4 waxing treatments before all of the hair is on the same growth cycle, thus all come out together. Your first wax may not remove all the hair, it may last only one week, it may last up to three – it just depends on your own genetics, how recently you’ve shaved, and how well you do at preparing the skin before the wax and taking care of the skin between your treatments. Don’t be discouraged if your hair grows back quickly the first few times. The more you wax, the longer it will last. Your rate of hair growth is unique to you, which can be anywhere from ten days to three weeks. For some lucky folks, it can be longer than that!
How often should I wax?
We recommend waxing every three to six weeks. In order to keep the hair coming in at a reduced rate, it’s best not to go past six weeks before your next wax. If you follow a recommended schedule, by your second waxing treatment you will be much happier and as close to a pain-free wax as possible!
I just started my period and I have an appointment today, should I reschedule?
No need! We provide fresh wipes and tampons in each room. So if you are comfortable being waxed at this time, so are we. (Tampons are required for your wax, just tuck the string or cut it short)
What type of wax do you use because I don’t like hard wax??
For all styles of bikini waxing, we use a proprietary technique with both strip and hard wax. Hard wax is a stripless wax which hardens at room temperature. As it hardens it wraps itself around the hair, not adhering to the skin, which makes for a gentler waxing experience for sensitive areas. Why you may not like hard wax: your previous esthetician didn’t know how to use it correctly! Hard wax gets a bad rap from estheticians that think its ok to pick and pick and pick and then pick some more just to get that little corner up. But our girls know better. Hard wax is easier on the skin and without all that picking, hurts a lot less then strip.
Is there anything I should do to prepare?
Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds 48 hours before (and after!) your appointment. Exfoliate the morning of your wax with a Spa Cell, exfoliating cloth, or salt scrub. Use gentle circular motions against the direction of hair growth. This helps to lift the hair off the skin making the waxing treatment more effective. Do not apply a moisturizer prior to getting waxed. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants and take an ibuprofen if you’re sensitive.
I just shaved, how long do I have to wait?
Let the hair grow out for 3 weeks if possible. (2 weeks minimum) I know it’s tough when you’re used to being smooth all the time but the longer you wait, the better results you’ll have. After your first wax, your hair will be more fine and sparse than shaving regrowth – much easier to tolerate. If your last hair removal was shaving, your first wax will not last as long. Please don’t ever shave in between waxing appointments!
It’s been a while since I groomed down there and it’s looking wild, should I trim?
Before any bikini wax, only trim if hair is excessively long, but no shorter than 1/2 inch. Many times clients trim too short and then we can’t do the wax. Don’t be one of those clients. Come in a little wild if you’re unsure- we don’t mind, we’ll take care of it..
I’m pregnant, is it ok to get a bikini or Brazilian wax?
Yes! We know it gets a little difficult to groom yourself and waxing is a fantastic way to clean up before the “big day”. If you have trouble lying flat on your back, we have plenty of pillows. You may be slightly more sensitive in the bikini area with all the localized blood flow, but we have great breathing techniques as well as skin loving ingredients. We can see you right up until your due date but it’s best to come in for a few sessions beforehand.
What's the difference between a $10 brow wax at a nail salon and a $30 brow wax at your boutique?
High quality wax, better pre and post products for healthier skin, more time spent shaping so you get a fuller brow that's nicely trimmed, and a gentle massage. You're welcome.
I’m prone to getting ingrown hairs, what can I do?
It is not enough to simply come in once a month for your wax – it is essential that you take proper at-home care of your skin to keep it looking blemish, redness, and ingrown hair -free. And fabulously fancy.The best solution is prevention. Use a Spa Cell in small circular motions while in the shower every 1-2 days. To help treat current ingrown hairs and prevent new ones from forming, also use PFB which is a roll on salicylic based gel and with all that exfoliating going on, don’t forget to moisturize! Dry skin leads to weak hairs that break during the wax instead of pulling from the root. If you take care of your skin, it will take care of you, and after all the torture you put your body and skin through, don’t you want to stay as sassy as possible?
We have the Spa Cells, PFB, and Numbing serum available for purchase at our boutique or website.